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Old 05-07-2008, 08:57 PM posted to
Shanghai McCoy[_2_] Shanghai McCoy[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2008
Posts: 20
Default What weedkiller would you recommend

Abe wrote:
I have dug over and rakes a piece of ground ready to sow grass seed but
it is now covered with a fresh growth of docks. If I use a weedkiller
on these docks, how soon after can I sow the grass ?

Perfect time to use vinegar. Spray the weeds - they should be dead
within 4 hours tops. Water for a few minutes and the acidity is gone...

Vinegar, really? Have you tried it? If it does really work, then that
would be one inexpensive weed killer. Does it kill everything, or just
a few types of weeds?

I started using it a few weeks ago, and it kills everything - even
dollar weed is brown within 3-4 hours.