Originally Posted by Clunas
I have just cleared a large section of lawn and have prepared it for planting. I would like to see that veg will grow in the site. I would very much like advice on what veg I can plant now (July in South East Scotland) to test the site. Is it too late to plant root veg such as potatoes?
I an quite an experienced gardener but I not had the space before to plant veg.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions
I'm growing a variety of carrot "Early Nantes" which can still be planted right through July (I'm in the Midlands). I bought the seeds from B&Q.
There are lettuce varieties which can be sown now to overwinter (I'm growing a butterhead variety).
Next month you could plant garlic, again for overwintering.
I started everything late this year, having only just moved into a house with decent growing space! So I've been paying particular attention to the dates on seeds.
The best advice I can give is to have a browse in the seed section at your garden centre, and see what can be planted then. Specific varieties of different crops may have later dates than others.
I'd also highly recommend Bindweed's Gardening Year:
"Seeds of cabbages, spinach and turnips should be sown in quantities as required, and salad crops of endive, kohl rabi, mustard and cress, lettuce, onions, parsley, radish should be sown in quantities as required in succession."