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Old 01-07-2008, 04:38 AM posted to,
hr(bob) [email protected] hr(bob) is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2008
Posts: 36
Default New Hunter Sprinkler Heads

On Jun 30, 8:50*pm, wrote:
On Jun 30, 10:19*am, dnoyeB wrote:

I am going to change my heads to cut the flow in half on each of my
zones. *What type of tools and supplies do I need to accoplish this?

I have Hunter PGP and PGM heads mostly.

Also, is there a good supplier for these items?



You could do it with just an allen wrench and the new nozzle, but it
won't be easy. * * To do it the easy way, Hunter makes a key like
tool. *One end of the key gets inserted into an opening on the head
and then you can pull the rotating head up out of the head cylinder,
just like it would come up with water pressure. * *They have a second
clip-on device, which then snaps on to lock it and hold it up while
you work on it. * The other end of the tool has the allen wrench of
correct size to take out the set screw that adjusts the water throw
distance and also holds the orrifice in. * After taking out the screw,
you can pull the old nozzle out with a pair of needle nose pliers and
press the new one in.

You can find the two tools either online at shops that sell Hunter or
at a local plumbing supply.

If you are putting on too much water, save the money, buy a new timer
that lets you reduce the amount of time the sprinklers are on.