Invincible Weed? I hope not!
I have been fighting a weed for a few years now, all to no avail. It
is sometimes called 'wiregrass'. sometimes 'witchgrass', I think.
It grows long 'stringers' below and above ground, and when I pull one
up, sometimes the 'stringer' is a foot or two long! Terrible stuff.
I have tried a few weed killers, such as Weed-B-Gone, and weed killers
in Turf Builder. I think the danged weed feeds on that.
The local nursery tells me that you can't kill it except by using a
vegetation killer, which of course would kill grass and everything.
I hate to think of doing that.
I guess I have a few questions. First, is a vegetation killer my only
choice? If not, what else can I try? If so, when do I apply it? In
the Fall? Second, how soon after something as drastic as that can I
then plant grass seed? Seems to me that the killer would exist in the
soil for a while. Maybe years?