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Old 23-06-2008, 01:35 AM posted to
Eggs Zachtly Eggs Zachtly is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 846
Default Neighbor Fence Problem/Question?? LONG!!

Tom J said:


Another good point. The ditch is supposed to be 2 ft wide, by 2 or
ft deep and with three 8 ft fence sections, it must be about 24 ft
long. That's 100 to 124 cubic feet. You sure can't fill that up
with 20 bags of topsoil. And with the ditch 2 feet wide at the
property line, the fence 4" from the property line, the whole
of this doesn't add up.

How long is it going to take you guys & girls to figure out someone is
"pulling your chain"?

It's a webtv user. They can't figure out how to use a computer to access
the net(s). How can you expect them to judge the size of a ditch?


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