Omelet wrote:
In article ,
zxcvbob wrote:
Omelet wrote:
In article ,
Shanghai McCoy wrote:
On Jun 21, 1:35 pm, Shanghai McCoy wrote:
zxcvbob wrote:
Johnny wrote:
I spray my collards with liquid Sevin whenever cabbage worms appear.
I am apprehensive about eating the leaves and I wish to know if after
careful washing the collard leaves, are they safe to consume?
Read the label:
Do not use within 14 days on Chinese cabbage, collards, kale, or mustard
"BT" might be a better choice, and is nontoxic.
I haven't used anything on my herb garden, but something is chowing on
my sage plant now. Would BT be a good choice there? Thanks!- Hide quoted
text -
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Bt is the best choice for any type of butterfly or moth larva and that
includes cabbage worms or loopers. It is very selective and virtually
harmless to other lifeforms. It also has a good degree of persistance
and can be used as preventive. It is a stomach poison so the larva
have to ingest it. Carbaryl on the other hand is a contact poison,
with a shot halflife, It will kill many insects that come in contact
with it including cabbage worms. But it is most useful on beetles. It
is not very poisonous to humans, a little less than Rotenone and has
biodegraded with 24 hours, so I don't worry about poisoning myself,
but it just is not nearly as effective on cabbage worms as Bt.
Thanks - I've been trying to keep the herb garden chem free, but most of
my energy has been focused on this damned mole. Carl Spackler's method
looks rather attractive at this point... I'm just not sure I can stay up
late enough to make the kill if I 1)tape a flashlight to my rifle, 2)
get stoned 3)drink a 6-pack. I'm also kinda short of C-4...
Get a gray female cat.
That seems kind of specific. Do you have a particular cat in mind? :-)
Nah. ;-) Some adult rescue from the shelter will do.
It's just been my past experience that gray or gray/calico females have
been death on moles, mice and gophers in the past!
Seems to be genetic with the color.
I've had a gray female cat for 16 years. She doesn't give a damn about
moles. I also have a 3 year-old hyper-effing-active rat terrier. She's
of the same opinion as the cat. Squirrels don't stand a chance, but
apparently this is a mole sanctuary.