Thread: Nut Grass
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Old 21-06-2008, 02:18 AM posted to
Willshak Willshak is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 316
Default Nut Grass

on 6/20/2008 11:35 AM said the following:
On Jun 20, 10:39 am, Peter Pan wrote:

Is there a pre-emergent that kills or helps control Nut grass?
I went to the local Lesco and picked up Manage (by Mansanto)
The directions say to "add 2 teaspoons nonionic surfactant"
I have no idea what that is can someone help me out with that?

Don't know of any pre-emergent specifically for nutgrass. I guess a
pre-emergent for crabgrass would probably stop seeds from germinating,
but I've never heard of it being used. Nor does it seem necessary.
Manage will easily eliminate it when it's growing.

A surfactant is a molecule that is can bond to water on one end and
something oily on the other end. Think of soap. In the case of
herbicides, it helps the herbicide spread out and attach to waxy
leaves instead of sitting there in tiny balls or rolling off.
Not sure why they specify non-ionic, though I think that type may
perform better in hard water. You could buy a surfactant at Lesco,
but considering problems like it's probably in a lifetime size qty for
home use, f it were me, I'd use a little bit of liquid dishwashing
soap and it should work fine.


In Hamptonburgh, NY
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