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Old 19-06-2008, 05:00 PM posted to
Clark... Clark... is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2007
Posts: 64
Default Wheel weights on the Craftsman dys 4500

I gotta tell you, since I bypassed the seat kill switch and I added wheel
weights to the lawn tractor, I have really enjoyed the thing.
The 4500 feels a lot more stable when on a slope and when towing the lawn
sweeper the traction is way better.
If anyone is considering weights for this model, go for it.
I think I might also want to go with a wider tire, this thing only has 8
inch width tires on the back, my fathers Husqvarna has 10 inch tires,
but what benefit would it really give me? around here they are about $60.00
each, and I gotta figure they are a pain in the butt to change, or I could
take them
to the garage so they can do it..


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