On Jun 18, 3:36*am, "nightrider.36" wrote:
On Jun 17, 9:53 am, Twitchell wrote:
Can anyone ID the weed in this link? *I've got this stuff all over the yard and
am desperate to get rid of it.
I really need to know what weed killer to use without killing everything else.
Also, anyone have any links to websites that have pictures of lawn weeds (I
emphasize the word pictures as most of them just use the latin names).
I haven't been successful removing dallisgrass using weed killers. I
usually have to dig or hoe them out. I have a weed removal tool that
pulls these things out pretty quickly. *If it's a huge clump, I remove
it and throw a piece of tall fascue sod on it.
Are you talking about using a selective herbicide or a non-selective
one, like Roundup? Many grass type weeds do not respond to the
typical broadleaf herbicides, because they are similar to the
desirable grass. And some can't be treated with anything at all
without killing the grass. However, Roundup applied carefully to the
clump of grass followed by overseeding should work and would be less
work than digging them out.