Uncovered a rabbit nest iin my half-barrel planter
On Jun 7, 11:07*am, "Nelly Wensdow" wrote:
Just discovered them while trying to put in some big Coleus. What on earth
made them think it was a good place for a nest up off the ground, and what,
if anything, should I do? I don't want them in there. Will the mother move
them for me? Abandon them? What if I do (or don't) cover them back up? I'm
not sure if I hit one with my hand spade or not.
They're so widdle, I don't really want to kill them...at least not until
they start eating up all my plants, as they always do. We've already got a
ton of 'em around here, living underneath a shed out back. (And we're not
allowed to shoot them. In fact, it's illegal to even throw a snowball in
this town. Literally.)
Any suggestions?
It may be too late,...but when I was a kid my father raised
domesticated rabbits. I could pick up the hairless blind widdle ones
and it didn't bother mommy. I suspect that if you left them as close
as possible to how you found them, mommy would follow her instincts
and do what she could to save the brood. If not,...mother nature is
not always kind.
We had about a dozen does and one buck. He had black fur except for a
white zigzag on his forehead. There were two reasons we called him
"Lightning." lol