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Old 11-06-2008, 10:10 PM posted to rec.gardens
ChrisJ ChrisJ is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2008
Posts: 2
Default Uncovered a rabbit nest iin my half-barrel planter

Eggs Zachtly wrote:
Jangchub said:

If humans weren't supposed to eat meat, then why do they have canine,
central, and lateral incisors? Were we supposed to be vegetarian, we would
have *only* molars. Humans are omnivores.

I think you're a bit off on your herbivore/carnivore dentition
information. Herbivores certainly do have incisors - they use them to
cut/snip the plant material, the tongue moves it to the back of the
mouth where the molars grind it. Without incisors, a herbivore would
have a very difficult time getting food into its mouth. And as well
some pure herbivores still have canine teeth.

In predatory animals, the canine teeth are used to hold onto the prey
animal and the molars/jaws are used to create crush injuries. Canine
teeth are used in the catching of food not the eating of food. Human
canines are about the same length as the nearby teeth so they've long
lost their original function.
