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Old 11-06-2008, 04:59 PM posted to rec.gardens
Nelly Wensdow Nelly Wensdow is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2008
Posts: 8
Default Uncovered a rabbit nest iin my half-barrel planter

wrote in message
There are a couple ways to deal with baby vermin (yes, they do carry
disease so
handle carefully). Put them out in the open and let nature take its
course. I
prefer to drop them into a bucket of ice cold water. They sink and die
quickly, the
cold water numbs them.

Reminds me of when my father uncovered a nest of baby mice after opening up
an old stairway in the house. My mother has fond affection for mice, but
unfortunately in this case it was the dead of winter, so they reluctantly
agreed it would be more humane to drown them than to leave them to
starvation & predation. Nobody ever thought about ice water, though; I'll
have to keep that in mind, "in case".

[...] The laws forbid "relocation" of wild animals like
this in Wisconsin.


Uh, oh. Guess the rabbits are in for more trouble than I thought, since
that's where I am.