Provado on Tomatoes :(
sometime in the recent past jim38curl posted this:
Hi all and sorry if this has been asked before ( although quite unlikely
as my mum's pretty unique ).
Basically my mum thought she'd fed her 15 tomato plants tomato feed but
after feeding she realised she's actually fed them some stuff called -
Provado Vine Weevil killer 2.
In a panic she then tried to over water them and subsequently washed it
all over her runner beans which were below her hanging basket tomato's.
Understandably she's gutted to the point of nearly being in tears so i
said i'd try and find out of anyone knows how dangerous this Provado is
and if there's anything she can do other than destroy all her plants.
Thanks to anyone that can offer advice,
Hopefully you took the stuff (and whatever other poisons your mum is holding
onto) to the hazardous waste recylcling station so that it can be destroyed
This is rec.gardens.EDIBLE isn't it? Not rec.gardens.POISON-ME-A-LITTLE-BIT
Wilson N45 W67