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Old 09-06-2008, 03:48 PM posted to rec.gardens
Nelly Wensdow Nelly Wensdow is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2008
Posts: 8
Default Uncovered a rabbit nest iin my half-barrel planter

"Jangchub" wrote in message
On Sun, 8 Jun 2008 20:58:09 -0500, "Nelly Wensdow"

No, nothing wrong with NOT being vegetarian at al. It's my choice to
be vegetarian. I do find that alfalfa pellets are rather inexpensive
and rabbits like those, so I use it to deter the critters from plants.
It doesn't stop the squirrels from coming down eating one bite from
each on the tree. Even still, I would never consider trapping, live
or otherwisem, the squirrel for fear they do have a nest somewhere and
will be taken away from nurturing the infants.

I'm well aware that if there are babies in my planter then there are
probably a gazillion more underneath the shed & elsewhere, so whatever
trapping there is to do will probably have to wait. But I will NOT feed
them. They are attracted to these man-made structures, while nature has
provided them a bounty across the street (but admittedly, I'm not at all
sure whether they've already overpopulated that area or not...). The only
things I go out of my way to feed are (native-only) birds; and except for
hummingbirds, I often have doubts about how big of a favor I'm doing *them*.

All I suggested to you was to grow a heart in that garden of yours. A
little compassion goes a long way. If you rationalize it to mean you
should kill animals because they are starving, this is not what I

So then, I reiterate: Why do you keep implying I have no heart? Would it
surprise you to know that I relocate spiders & bugs I find in my house? That
I've rescued toads, bees & mice from my *own* pool? That I have black rats
living out back & don't ever bother them? That in another state I own &
maintain 30-some acres of unspoiled woodlands thriving with chipmunks,
squirrels, deer, native birds, hornets, spiders, mice, snakes, tortoises,
salamanders, skinks, butterflies, moths, beetles, and numerous plant,
mushroom, moss & lichen species? And, except for the mushrooms & a few wild
herbs & berries, I don't bother any of them. Nobody in their right mind who
knows me at all can say I don't respect nature. I think you've got me wrong,