"Eggs Zachtly" wrote in message
Stubby said:
"Dioclese" NONE wrote in message
But, I also have experienced the old gas thing while storing an
for 6 months or longer at a time. A full tank helps keep the moisture
condensation problem down to a minimum. "Dry gas" additive should be
if storing approaching a year. Not related to fuel, but important,
disconnect the battery. Am guessing some this carries over to lawn
equipment with gasoline engines as well.
I agree. I've never had trouble starting my tractor, chainsaw or
stringtrimmer. I believe leaving the gas in the machines keeps the
and diaphragms flexible whereas running it try lets it get hard and
Sometimes doing nothing is better than breaking things.
This, from the same dumbass that doesn't believe in changing the oil.
- Reset Universe? (Y)es (N)o
Seems to imply that someone can't be right about something, if wrong about
something else in the same area of general area of discussion. Not logical,
seems rather an emmotional response to a prior disagreement. Not healthy.