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Old 05-06-2008, 03:52 PM
tony w tony w is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2008
Posts: 7
Default 1st cut for newly seeded lawn - what Mower Type?

Hi All,

Well, I am at that point where the first cut is required, and I don't want to pull up the grass shoots, so what mower type is needed? I recall seeing a thread that detailed a rotary mower, but from my POV, all mower types are rotary; whether the rotary motion is vertical or lateral is the key point.

Which one do I need then, the vertical axis mower or the lateral axis mower?

PLUS, I've noticed some of my neighbours have left their newly seeded grass to grow up to 4 inches or more, but I though you should cut it before it reaches that height...... but they might know more than me.......

thanking you.....