Thread: Mower problems
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Old 04-06-2008, 02:28 AM posted to
dave[_1_] dave[_1_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 17
Default Mower problems

On Jun 3, 2:53*pm, "Srgnt Billko" wrote:
"dave" wrote in message


I have a Craftsman mower with a 6.5 hp B&S motor.

It didn't want to start this season. * It has good fresh fuel and I
tried a new plug.
When I pull the cord there is nothing. *When I pulled the plug it was
wet so I assumed that was the problem. *DIdn't help either.
I sprayed starting fluid and it fired and ran for a moment until the
spray went away. * If it was electrical it would not have run. *Since
it ran on the starter fluid, it must be the carb,,, right? * I am
assuming that maybe a jet is plugged. * Am I heading down he right


If the jet is clogged how did the plug get wet ? * Fresh fuel - but did you
drain the carb ? *Might be water in the carb. *You've covered everything
else - except maybe the float needle valve is stuck open. And it's getting
too much gas. * Is there a choke on this thing or is it the kind with the
primer bulb ? *I've had the little tube to or from the primer bulb crack and

It has a primer bulb. I can hear the fuel bubble as I push it so I
don't think it is bad. I am going to try to pull the carb tomorrow
and see what I can find.
I hate to give in yet and take it to a shop. Hopefully it is
something obvious.
(I didn't think about the clogged jet and wet plug. Thanks for
throwing that out there)