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Old 29-05-2008, 03:04 AM posted to
Peter Pan[_3_] Peter Pan[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2008
Posts: 54
Default Craftsman Rotary Lawn Mower NEVER STARTS!

p-nut wrote:
blurted out in

This barely used mower has been repaired twice by Sears. It still
does not start. New fluids, air filter, spark plug.

Any suggestions on how to get it to work? I cannot imagine going back
to Sears again. My problem is that after paying for repairs, I
stupidly do not try it out within 30 days so the repairs may or may
not have ever been good enough, but I cannot imagine paying Sears a
third time.

(Meanwhile I ordered a hand mower via Amazon, not only to be "green"
but because I am sick of this machine that DOES NOT WORK.)

I'd cut my losses.
I've heard many a horror story about craftsman mowers.

I love and have never had problems with my lawnboys.
Highly recommend them.

I have a Craftsman and never had any problems with it. I tune it up
every spring. Pump the primer 10 times and it kicks right over.
Make sure you have fresh gas and its tuned up and you should be ok. Use
starter fluid if you have to; it'll kick over