Originally Posted by Weedy
Yep, how annoying! What a waiting came. It will take a few weeks for the grass plants to germinate and then get to two or three leave stages (number of leaves showing). Not all of the grass seed sown will come up at the same time. In order of germination speed and establishment the quickest to appear are Rye Grasses, then the Fescue and Bents. Do not over seed yet as it is too early and a waste of seed. Do not let the surface crust over as the grass plants will struggle to get through. I found a web site called www.lawn.co.uk that had some great lawn forums on it. Only deals with lawns and their care. It may be useful
I have the same problem (here in the Czech Republic) and would like to know whether I should wait before throwing down more seed, and also (most importantly) how to do it! :-) I am a real novice at this, and my in-laws did the original seed-laying 2 weeks ago, and they seem to be fairly proficient at it, but it certainly wasn't a professional job!