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Old 27-05-2008, 02:34 PM posted to rec.gardens
Chris[_14_] Chris[_14_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2008
Posts: 224
Default Best Mosquito and Bug Killer? Mosquito Magnet? Spray? Net?

On May 27, 7:30 am, wrote:

I would like to be able to go outside and enjoy the patio of my house
during the summer, but the mosquitos and bugs and flies and "no see
ums" eat you alive. I'm trying to determine the best way to deal with
this issue, and was wondering if anyone could provide some feedback on
the best way to proceed? Some options I have heard of a

1) Mosquito Magnet or similar devices - I heard that they don't work
and break down after the first year.
2) Bug Spray - who wants to put this stuff on everytime you go
outside...and does it always work? Which is the best spray available?
3) Netting - I could put a net around my patio...which is about 10
feet x 10 feet...but it will not allow you to exerience nature in the
best way. Which netting solution is the best available?
4) I'm open to other suggestions???

Thanks for your help. Please let me know what has worked for you.


Try a citronella candle or 3.
