Thread: Mower wheels
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Old 26-05-2008, 12:57 AM posted to
Srgnt Billko Srgnt Billko is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 530
Default Mower wheels

"Sarah Houston" wrote in message
. 97.142...
I was looking at my mower and actually may be able to raise the height by
changing the front wheels, at least.

The back ones may adjust down low enough.

With the front ones, I measured the outside of the bolt threads with a
caliper and got about .33" diameter to the outside of the threads.

What is that, about 5/16"?

The present wheel is about 8" outside diameter, so if I can get one that's
10" OD, it will raise the height by 1".

Where do you find these things?

A place like Tractor Supply Co. if there is one by you - some Walmarts -
some hardware stores.

I think you have to do more measuring. 5/16 (.312) (or even 3/8, .375)
is very small for the shaft part that the wheel rotates on. Typically these
are "shoulder" bolts - the shaft part being larger than the threaded part -
maybe 1/2" or 5/8". It is the shaft part where the wheel rotates that you
need to be concerned with. That determines the hole size of the wheel you
will be shoppiing for.