Lemon Tree Advice to a newbie please: Is it wide enough to plant mynew bought lemon tree?
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25-05-2008, 01:42 AM posted to rec.gardens
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2007
Posts: 1,096
Lemon Tree Advice to a newbie please: Is it wide enough to plant my new bought lemon tree?
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Hi everyone, I'm SO NEW to gardening. I was an earth day volunteer of
"Tree People" a few weeks ago and after that event I decided to plant
my first tree. So this morning I went to homedepot and bought a Semi-
Dwarf Eureka Lemon baby-tree, that was already in a pot, about 3-4 ft
tall. My question is: Is this spot shown in the picture below wide
enough to plant this lemon tree? See pictu
This spot is between two plants (red circle), about 5 - 6 feet long.
If I plant the lemon tree there, will those 2 plants prevent it from
growing? Or the other way? I don't know the name of these 2
Please help! Thanks!
I'd just recommend studying the various varieties available to meet
your needs. Home Depot may be OK but a visit to a local large garden
may give you some idea of what is available and what a mature tree can
be. Still it is OK to make many mistakes.
I'd place a small water display in that spot with a large mirror behind
it to infer infinity. I also thing that a mural would be kind of neat.
That wall looks like a canvas!!
Make your own or look for stuff like this
Garden in shade zone 5 S Jersey USA
Neat place ..
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