Omelet wrote:
In article ,
dt wrote:
Dioclese wrote:
"jOhN" wrote in message
Omelet wrote:
In article ,
jOhN wrote:
Moe Jones wrote:
Are you getting these ants up in your area?
Crazy Raspberry Ants
I live in South Houston and we are getting them.
Just read about them today. They are hoping the little *******s will
stay close to the coast. From what I read they eat fireants and kick
their butts completely.
Good luck.
If they eat fireants, they are WELCOME here!
Somebody ship me a colony, quick. ;-)
We can't grow raspberries here anyway. The climate is wrong.
Careful what you wish for....they're named rasberry because of the guy who
discovered them. Apparently they are a mucho prolific species and can
multiply beyond the ability to control them even with pretty deadly
pesticides. The Rasberry guy is a pest control operator and he thinks they
are bad news for his business since their resistance to control leave his
customers unsatisfied. He goes on to say he probably loses money on every
job in order to attempt to satisfy his clients.
Chase down some info on the web if you want to know more. Heck, they even
take down computers according to an article in Information Week!
Did see something on TV about them as well. They (TV) emphasized
gizmos. Yet, they showed an extremely short video of a well pump solenoid
as an example. This is an ELECTRICAL device with moving parts (relay) that
activates a pump deep within the ground. Think both the news media and
others should look into the difference between electrical and electronic
before trying to convey facts, irregardless if the general public does not
know the difference. A well pump is a source of water, which can be more
important than any PC.
We were having ants get on pump relays back in the '60s, before fire
ants were around. Every so often, there wouldn't be any water in the
house and one of us kids would have to go down to the pump house and
bang on the solenoid with a screwdriver to knock all the ants out of it.
I'm not sure these things have spread enough for us to tell yet what
sort of impact they're gonna have on wildlife. Bet the overall
consequences won't be good, though.
Better than fire ants... The fire ants are wiping out ground nesting
birds such as meadowlark and bobwhite quail.
The rasberry's are taking out the fire ants so I'm kinda guessing they
are not particularly benign ;-)
The species they say is related in South America may kill animals by
clogging their breathing passages.........not a good visual.
Too many of any species is not a good thing.