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Old 20-05-2008, 11:28 PM posted to
Art Art is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2006
Posts: 253
Default SEARS LIED!!!???

MICHELLE H. wrote:
My Craftsman push mower does have the Briggs and Stratton engine, but if
you are standing behind it where the handlebars are, the gas tank is on
the right side of the engine, and the oil tank is on the left side of
the engine.

But what I still don't get is, how is it that when I turn the gas tank
up on its left side, and the gas in the tank is facing down towards the
ground, then why does gas leak UP and out and through the air filter
which is facing upwards towards the sky?????

It doesn't leak up. It leaks from the carb down into the intake pipe and
then when you set the mower down it all rushes back through the carb and
into the air filter.
