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Old 20-05-2008, 01:56 PM posted to
Dioclese Dioclese is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2007
Posts: 498
Default Advice for Neighbor's Tree Ruining Our Lives

wrote in message
On May 19, 12:43 am, "Dioclese" NONE wrote:
"J.R. Freedman" wrote in message


Does anyone know what we can do about our neighbor's huge 80-foot tall
tree directly next to the property line; at least half of the tree hangs
on our side.

We are in a high wind area, frequently in excess of 60+ mph, always
blowing in the direction of our house, putting our house in danger of
the tree falling.

Presently the tree is "raining" sap and sap-laced particles that cover
our house, cars and all the walkways. Just walking in the back yard the
bottoms of our shoes are caked with it.

Our cars need to be washed several times a week or the sap bakes into
the paint.

About 99% of all the leaves and sap and danger affects us and he
experiences almost none of it.

The tree was trimmed once about 5 years ago, but now the neighbor says
money is tight and he won't do it again, even though he stated he knows
it needs trimming.

Legally, what can we do?

Thanks for any advice - we are desperate!

Basically, you can do nothing to prevent what you anticipate.

Nonsense. In most cases, you can trim overhanging branches on your
side back to the property line.

The only thing I read that is possibly anticipated was the tree falling
their house. How is a wind-induced fall of a tree going to be stopped by
trimming on the down-wind side of the tree, and the majority of the tree
untrimmed as the trunk of tree is in the neighbor's yard?
I consider the response "Nonsense" as an insult.

Parkinson's disease, not easy to define.
Much less cure.