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Old 04-05-2008, 11:03 PM posted to rec.gardens.edible
Steve Newport Steve Newport is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 27
Default UK - Problem with fig tree

Hi. Gets a lot of sun. It's in the middle of an East West open garden.

What do you mean by a sulphur treatment?

On Sun, 04 May 2008 14:02:39 -0500, Omelet

In article ,
Steve Newport wrote:

We have been in a house with a fig tree for 3 years and each year we
have had a problem that seems to be getting worse.

The small figs grown the one year suddenly start to go dark and
develop a powdery mould. This affects first siongle and then multiple
fruits and eventuall spreads (quickly) along entire branches, killing
the branch itself.

We have just started cutting out entire branches to burn and trim back
areas of weaker infection. Last year I sprayed with an anti fungal
spray but this did not appear to help.

Can anybody suggest a way forward or is this simply something that
happens? Should we really hack the branches back each year?

Any help would be welcome. Many thanks

Try a bit of sulphur treatment?

How much sunlight does it get?