tomato emergency...... help!!!!!!!!!!
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04-05-2008, 06:07 PM posted to rec.gardens
Katey Didd
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2008
Posts: 75
tomato emergency...... help!!!!!!!!!!
"PDM" pdcm99minus this
wrote in message
"Katey Didd" wrote in message
I set my tomatoes out a little over a week ago. Some already had flower
clusters. The neighbor sprayed the fence row a few days later with
Round-Up and now our tomatoe's new growth is all distorted from the drift.
Will they recover and produce fruit or will they remained deformed and not
bear? Please, does anyone know? Should I replace them or will they
Sorry, they will die. It's the way Round Up works I'm afraid. I know
someone who lost his entire crop at a local allotment because some prat in
the next plot did the same.
His whole allotment. That is a shame. The okra and peppers look fine in our
garden. Just the toms reacted. The other year the people on the other side
of us sprayed the driveway on breezy day and bye bye to our flower bed. I
moved the flowerbed 50' from their drive now. People spray and do not think
of drift.
I am going to town on Wednesday. I will buy all new plants. These were from
private person and good size but she has no more to sell.
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Katey Didd
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