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Old 04-05-2008, 06:03 PM posted to rec.gardens
Katey Didd Katey Didd is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2008
Posts: 75
Default tomato emergency...... help!!!!!!!!!!

"Laura at theGardenPages" wrote in message
They will probably not recover. How crappy!

At least cut off any distorted growth, try washing the plant off. But
don't hold your breath, I'm sorry. Plus, I don't think you want to
eat anything that plant produces now....

Once my ex-husband got crazy with the weed n' feed, sprayed all the
plants in the yard. It was not pretty. I went on a spree at my
favorite nursery, but it didn't make up for losing my babies.

Go get some crazy fun heirlooms or something. Maybe that will take the
sting off your loss.

Yes. I will have to go to town and see what they have available. Most have
small plants and these were already nice sized with flower clusters. I cut
off the distorted parts. If they don't recover this week I will replace