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Old 04-05-2008, 06:00 PM posted to rec.gardens
Katey Didd Katey Didd is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2008
Posts: 75
Default tomato emergency...... help!!!!!!!!!!

Persephone wrote in message
On Sun, 4 May 2008 00:15:32 -0500, "Katey Didd"

I set my tomatoes out a little over a week ago. Some already had flower
clusters. The neighbor sprayed the fence row a few days later with
and now our tomatoe's new growth is all distorted from the drift. Will
recover and produce fruit or will they remained deformed and not bear?
Please, does anyone know? Should I replace them or will they recover?

The neighbors? Definitely replace them. g

Yes. The last owners of their lot let weeds and vines grow all over the
fence and side of their yard. They're cleaning up the property which is
good. They claim they saw rats. I've seen no rats but it's possible. Had I
known they were going to spray with weed killer I would have covered the
plants with tarp.

Sorry, all joking aside, this is absolutely DISGRACEFUL! I'd probably
replace them, but somebody more knowledgeable will give you a more
definite answer. AFAIK, main thing is not to waste a lot of rowing
time if you're in a short growing season area. Are you?

No, our season lasts until late October so there is time yet.

Do the neighbors know what they have done? Hope they are
the kind you can explain what happened, to avoid future probs.

Yes, they will let me know next time so I can cover the garden. I also ask
them to wait until a very calm day to spray. They understand. I talk to her
this morning. I know they need to clean out that side of their yard of weeds
and other wild vegetation. They didn't know about drift.