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Old 05-04-2003, 04:32 PM
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Default Pony Tail Palm ( Beaucarnea recurvata) leaves turning brown

Its normal for the outermost leaves to turn brown at the end of the growing
season. You may want to remove them if you find them unsightly.

Water the plant thoroughly once a week and allow it to go completely dry
between waterings.
Remove the moss and replace it with stones otherwise the excessive moisture
may cause the trunk to rot.

Nikolaus Hiebaum wrote in message
Hi -

My Pony Tail Palm I got a few weeks stands in a room which is bright
and not well-heated (in Vienna, Austria (Europe) we are gradually
heading for winter), and the some leaves started to turn brown.

I can't really tell whether the soil is dry or watered because there
is moss around it (supposed to look good that's why I'd prefer not
removing it). So, I keep the moss moist, i.e., watering twice a week.
My feeling is that's too much, but I don't know for sure. Maybe it's
normal that the leaves turn brown?

Any advice would be appreciated.

CU, Niki