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Old 30-04-2008, 02:37 AM posted to
Eggs Zachtly Eggs Zachtly is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 846
Default controlling annual bluegrass

Steve said:

KC wrote:
On Apr 23, 7:11=A0pm, Eggs Zachtly wrote:
Chas Hurst said:

Is there a selective herbicide that controls annual bluegrass growing

perenial bluegrass?

Not that I've ever heard of. I called a spray tech from work, and he
said the same thing.


-Opportunities always look bigger going than coming.

I don't have any experience with bluegrass, but I have to ask the
question anyway: If annual bluegrass comes back every year from seed,
why wouldn't a preemergence control it without harming the perennial?


Pre-e will help somewhat but timing is everything. I use it in August for
poa control here in northern Ohio. You have to be careful to stay away from
bentgrass with it, and not to apply too much for fear of root pruning on
your desirable turfgrass.

You have to apply it after the poa dies back and before it re-germinates,
which is generally late summer.

Which then leaves the dillema that you then can't reseed the perennial
bluegrass, in the fall. The pre-emergent doesn't care who's seed is trying
to poke through the barrier.

Poa annua sucks. I can't imagine trying to rid it from a lawn of P.
pratensis. They're the same genus. Even /if/ such a selective herbicide
were available, being species-specific would put it well out of reach of a
homeowner, both in cost as well as by government regulations.


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