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Old 28-04-2008, 04:09 AM posted to rec.gardens
cat daddy cat daddy is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 301
Default Reason we still direct seed is that our direct-seeded tomatoes harvest earlier than the transplanted ones

Charlie wrote in message
On Sun, 27 Apr 2008 16:28:27 -0400, Bill wrote:

łThe only reason we still direct seed is that our direct-seeded tomatoes
harvest earlier than the transplanted ones,˛ Sheely says.

Had to say it twice. My Dad said that when it is ripe to plant they
respond well. I'd add control makes us feel like we know what is going


I just thought of a downside to this method. I always have volunteer
tomatoes in the garden, from dropped tomatoes and from compost.

How could you be sure of what was what?

I just bought six of the dregs of Home Depot's late season tomato plants.
All different varieties; half heirloom and half uncommon (at least to me).
That seed savers site mentioned keeping them 10' apart to limit
cross-pollination, but that's not going to happen. I'm intrigued to save
these seeds and see what their babies are like next year.
Who knows if they're even labeled right at HD. One looks like a pumpkin
vine.... Threw them in pots of compost from my three-year old pile. Lots of
white powdery fungus in the pile......... I'm only going to feed them a
puree of eggshells, banana, and coffee grounds, with a little molasses and
fruit juice........ same as last year.