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Old 05-04-2008, 05:30 PM posted to rec.gardens
Bill[_13_] Bill[_13_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2007
Posts: 1,096
Default Gardens and life philosophy stuff

I'm not suggesting you subscribe or pay for this. But it may garner

Bill who thinks a garden maintains connection to the other. Happy
garden yield happy gardener and Vasa versa . Trash along the commons
hurts one's mind.

the study of humankind, in particular

PS Billy and Charlie Išve decided to support Macain.
See my sig )

Below a taste.


This essay reads the poetry of Theodor Roethke and Seamus Heaney in the
light of Giorgio Agamben's philosophy of plant and animal life and his
notion of "bare life." It argues that both poets offer very different
descriptions of the nature of the relationship between human and
non-human life.


Theodore Roethke's homage to fields and gardens knows no bounds. In
"Unfold! Unfold," "the field is no longer simple: It's a soul crossing
time," (Collected 89) and the voice of the later poem, "The Far Field,"
is "renewed" by the "dry scent of a dying garden in September" (201).
These lines do not simply promote a morbid fascination for death. They
also assign a special meaning to the life of the garden habitat and to
its relation to human life. Seamus Heaney's early poetry, the poetry of
his apprentice years, is also concerned with depicting humanity's
relationship with the slightly larger garden habitat of the farmyard.
Both writers offer what might be referred to as genealogies of the
garden that respond to recent debates in philosophy that see the unique
characteristics of plant and animal life being neglected by today's
privileging of the "anthropological machine."

Garden in shade zone 5 S Jersey USA
MaCain in 2038 !!