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Old 01-04-2008, 02:23 PM posted to
[email protected] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 431
Default Laying turf or planting my own grass?

On Apr 1, 3:32*am, bpsintl wrote:
I was thinking of removing all of the old grass totally, putting some
kind of weedkiller down like roundup and then raking in new topsoil and
planting loads of seeds. How long will it take for seeds to grow into a
nice lawn? I live in the North West of England if it makes any

Dioclese;781736 Wrote:

The main advantage of sod over seeding is that it gives instant
results. The disadvantage is it costs significantly more. What you
need to do with either approach depends on what you have now. If you
have 7" of good topsoil, then no need for additional topsoil. You can
use Roundup/glyphosate to kill everything that is there, then mow it
very short, rake and use a slice seeder. Also, you don't want to use
"loads of seed". You want to apply it at the correct rate and use a
high quality, endophyte enhanced seed that is appropriate for the

If the topsoil is poor, then you need additional topsoil and/or humus
and it's probably best to till it in.

I'd also seriously consider living with what is there for this season
and doing the work in the Fall, which is the best time to seed. If
you want to do it now, then that is another factor in favor of sod.

"bpsintl" wrote in message

Hi, I moved into a new house about a year ago. It's a new build and
people before me badly neglected the lawn. Now it's so bad I'm
of starting over. Is it better to buy turf and lay that or plant my
grass from seeds?


U.K giganews poster,

Kinda hard to say from this vantage point.


How about a tax to support any military conflict/police action over 3

An actual war, we can do what's been done in the past.

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