Habitat lovers - take note
"animaux" wrote in message
| On Fri, 17 Jan 2003 23:02:58 GMT, "Texensis"
| wrote:
[s n i p]
| We have many hundreds of lizards. It is the joy of our life when we
see the
| babies. Since it's been cool, now cold outside the lizards and
anoles are very
| slow moving. We know where they hang out and check on them
occasionally. I
| have some in the greenhouse. My husband can literally pick them up
with no
| resistance. The one who lives in our pool deck box is the same one
every year.
| She has identifying marks. Others do live all over the mesquite and
live oak
| trees. I have a lot more photo's if you'd like me to send them to
you, but the
| babies are the best!
| V
Many thanks for your kind and generous offer; I'm content to have
access to your excellent images and to know that they're available for
others to see (apparently many claim never to have noticed either of
these entertaining life forms!).