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Old 27-03-2008, 03:10 PM posted to rec.ponds
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2008
Posts: 2
Default pond and stream pumps

On Mar 26, 5:25*pm, ady wrote:
Can any one help?

I have built my pond 8' long, 6'wide and 2' deep. I am also building a
stream which when complete will be approx 80' long. The height from the
pond to the waterfall at the begining of the stream is only about 6'. So
my question is! Would I only need a pump with a safe head of say 10' be
I am becoming more confused the more I read on the net. And just need
some basic advice. Can someone help me please.


sure if you just want a trickle of water for a stream. If thats the
case just **** at the head of the streamand the results will be the
same. Spend the money on a decent sized pump and put some volume to
the water flow........Pumps working at or close to max head usually
put out very little flow or at a minimum...........minimum flow.
Spend some time figure ing how much water flow you want, in that
stream. Call AZ Ponds with the figures and let them recomend a decent
sized pump for what your requirements are. High volume high head is
iwhat your needing in the line of a pump.....if you want to feed a
stream decently..