gooseberries resistant to gray mildew?
On 25 Mar, 12:53, cliff_the_gardener
I cannot pass comment on how they will perform in your *part of France
but would suggest the following.
Hinnomäki is available in a red green and golden form. *Early growth
is very thorny, dense like as raspberry but thorny , older wood is
more typical of gooseberries
Pax is a red resistant variety (but I am not keen on the flavour)
Invicta has some resistance to mildew, I find that it is OK, but it
does have a weeping habit, so you need to prune hard to keep the
branches up.
As for a supplier have a look at *they stock
Hinnomäki and supply many UK growers. *Delbard are big in micro
propagation so at least they shall be virus free.
The Agroforestry Research Trust offer a nice range of American
Gooseberry Mildew resistant varieties and they ship to France
Good luck
Bawtry, Doncaster, South Yorkshire
Josta berries are a great fruit or so my birds say, I have yet to have
one in 5 years.
I know I should net them but they are large bushes
David Hill
Abacus Nurseries