On 24/3/08 23:50, in article , "shazzbat"
"Sacha" wrote in message
On 24/3/08 22:27, in article
"Mary Fisher" wrote:
"Moonbeam" wrote in message
Hi, I've got a houseplant that was left in my house from previous
owners. I have no idea what it is just wondered if anyone could help?
Sorry about the quality, they were taken on my phone.
[image: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d1.../DSC00046.jpg]
I can't identify it but it doesn't look to be worth saving.
Chuck it!
Why? I disagree entirely.
I cannot think of the name but the word Crassula springs to mind -
wrongly, I'm just not sure. It could be worth trying this: fill a glass
with water and cover the top with clingfilm. Pierce a slit in the top and
cut a leaf from the plant. Poke it through the slit in the clingfilm and
wait and wait......and wait. It *might* produce some roots, in which case
you'll have a new plant. Don't water the one you've got very much - those
leaves look as if they're made to retain water and won't appreciate wet
conditions. You could also try chopping off one of the longer growths and
potting it up in some gritty potting compost, again leaving it well
and frost-free but on a sunny window sill.
It looks a bit Kalanchoe-ish to me. And yes, I would try potting up some of
the stem growth as Sacha suggests. Also you may get a bit of stem to root in
Kalanchoe was tugging at my mind - well done! it that's what it is, I hope
someone will tell us which.
South Devon
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