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Old 24-03-2008, 02:14 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
someone someone is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2007
Posts: 437
Default Elderberry hedge - O.T.

"Jennifer Sparkes" wrote in message
The message
from "someone" contains these words:

What do you do with elderberry juice, aside from mashing them to make
How do you process elderberries?

(1).Elderberry Chutney,

(2) Elderberry and Crabapple Chutney

- and I did once, many years ago, make Elderberry Soup.

2 Pints Elderberries - no stalks
¼ lb Seedless Raisins
¼ lb Sugar
2 oz Onions - very finely chopped
½ oz Salt
pinch of Cayenne
pinch of Allspice
1 pint Vinegar

Put one-third of the Vinegar, and all the other ingredients
except the Sugar in a pan, and simmer until thick.

Add a second one-third of the Vinegar, and simmer until

Add the rest of the Vinegar, and the warmed Sugar, and
simmer until thick; pot and cover.

Chutney is ready if no liquid is visible when a wooden spoon
is drawn through the mixture.

1½ lbs Elderberries - rather under-ripe
1½ lbs Crab Apples
½ lb Sultanas
½ lb Onions
1 pint Vinegar
½ lb Sugar
1 tsp each of ground: Ginger, Cinnamon, Allspice and
Cayenne Pepper
4 oz Salt

Mince the onions and cook in Water until tender; strain and
add one-third of the Vinegar, and all the other Ingredients
except the Sugar, and simmer until thick.

Continue as for Elderberry Chutney.


Terrific! Thanks for the recipes, will give them a go in the late summer.
We also have lots of crab apples in the countryside around us.
