Take the carb off and soak it good, in some laquer thinner. Then blow it
out. The thinner is highly flamable so be careful and do this outdoors.
Wouldn't hurt to have an ABC extinguisher close by..
Put the carb back on and see what results you get. If you have fuel in the
bowl, you should be able to assume the float/needle valve are functioning
ok. So there should be a stoppage between the bowl and the manifold. . .
..the metering jet. The thinner should soften and remove that.
I have a Sears generator with a Tucumseh 5.5 HP OHV motor that has an
updraft carb. It absolutely will not start without putting fuel in the
spark plug hole, and using a rubber plug to choke it with. Not even on the
4th of July, let alone when I need it when it is minus 30 F. Even doing the
spark plug prime, it runs rough for about 15 seconds before it makes up its
mind to run. Then it is fine.
The prime bulb works okay and I get fuel running out of the intake manifold,
but there is not enough vacumn to suck the fuel into the combustion chamber
and fire the beast. Sears was of zero help. A real pain as I run it twice
a year for 30 minutes and I have to keep it in my house with an emtpy fuel
tank. A job of damn poor design.
"Bob" wrote in message
I have a Tecumseh TVS90 lawn mower. It starts fine but now shuts off
I took the gas tank off and cleaned it out - wasn't much debris in it and
the screen was clear.
Tried to check the bulb for a pinhole leak by covering it with duct tape -
did not make a difference.
I can't get to the rest of the gas line b/c the air cleaner mount screws
(which blocks access to the gas line) are stripped.
Any thoughts?
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