Thread: Price of seeds
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Old 16-03-2008, 02:17 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Dave H Dave H is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2008
Posts: 4
Default Price of seeds

We have shops like Aldi, Lidl and Wilkinson's in our area, and Wilko's seeds
are 29p a packet. You don't get many seeds, but who needs more than 10
tomato seeds of any variety? I've found their seeds very reliable. Lidl is
also good because, being a German company, they sell slightly different
things, e.g. yellow string beans, as well as the regular green ones. They
of course sell all the normal flowers and vegetable seeds.

I can recommend Franchi Italian seeds as well, they have interesting
varieties, although they're pricier. Their Cavolo Nero is to die for.

If you go on the booze run to France, the supermarkets have seeds at
most times of the year. In ("It is I...)Leclerc's you can get packets of
50-odd cucumber seeds for about 50p. In this country it is about 4 seeds
for £3.

I also agree that Franchi are very good and plenty of seeds for your money.
