Water Wars
On Wed, 12 Mar 2008 03:06:47 -0700 (PDT), Klaudio Zic
Water war issues would sound exaggerated towards year 2000 when we
started our Varuna delineation precisely with "water wars". Varuna was
still an unnamed object beyond Neptune that could not possibly account
for "jihad" or "water wars". Instead, the WTC happened, then Iraq and
as concern water, there is already hazard for over 41 million
Americans. Back in the year 2000 the "water ecology of the solar
system" was hardly an issue, but in the year 2008 we have the whole
ecologic picture in focus through our water lens. Oor oil lens can
keep our Academic Zodiac focused on the third sigil of the apocalypse
and Middle East issues, but it is through the water lens that the
future of the planet is determined. We don't know the exact percentage
of hazard because not all waters have been tested against drug
Good one. It got me thinking.