Thread: carb grass
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Old 12-03-2008, 05:21 AM posted to
Dale P Dale P is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2008
Posts: 18
Default carb grass

"Eddie G" wrote in message
. ..
Every year I put down pre-emergent's and when the barrier gets broken from
the lawn service I get crab grass. So I was thinking since there is no
way to stop the seeds from germinating that the only way to get rid of it
permanently is to let the seeds germinate, then kill it with roundup
BEFORE the grass matures enough to produce and drop seeds.

Does this sound like a good way to get rid of it permanently? I figure
the challenge I have is that when it grows I don't stop it from maturing
and dropping seeds.

I know I'll have brown spots until I seed and water at the end of the


Eddie G

A pre-emergent will stop the seeds that are there from germinating. Other
seeds may be coming into your lawn on the wheels of the mowing service.
Seeds that have not been exposed to pre-emergent will germinate. I do not
know what you mean that the cutters break the barrier of the pre-emergent.

Do not use Round Up as it will leave a major brown spot that will not fill
in readily. Bayer chemical does make a weed killer that also works on
growing crab grass without killing most lawns. It is the only selective
crab grass killer that I have seen. I have used it mid to late season, and
it will kill the crab grass. The problem is that it is a very slow kill.
It does not give quick results. It will cut the local seed infestation, but
crab grass seeds come from everywhere. A thick, healthy lawn will help to
prevent crab grass by choking it out. I think that your lawn service is not
doing a good job if the pre-emergent is not doing a better job for you.

Good Luck