Thread: carb grass
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Old 12-03-2008, 02:59 AM posted to
Eddie G Eddie G is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2008
Posts: 2
Default carb grass

"Eggs Zachtly" wrote in message
Eddie G said:

Every year I put down pre-emergent's and when the barrier gets broken
the lawn service I get crab grass.

1. Aerify BEFORE you pre-emerge.
2. Get a new lawn service.

So I was thinking since there is no way to stop the seeds from

The pre-emergent, properly applied, at the correct time, over several
growing seasons, will do such a thing.

that the only way to get rid of it permanently is to let the seeds
germinate, then kill it with roundup BEFORE the grass matures enough to
produce and drop seeds.

Does this sound like a good way to get rid of it permanently?



I figure the challenge I have is that when it grows I don't stop it
from maturing and dropping seeds.

The challenge you have is your lawn service apparently, sucks.

I know I'll have brown spots

And how!

until I seed and water at the end of the summer.

You don't water until the end of the summer?? Do you fertilize? Thick
is the best deterrent for weeds, that I've ever seen.

When I said lawn service I meant the cutters. I have a service that
fertilizes, puts down pre-emergent's, etc. It's the cutters with the
weed-whackers around the edges that breaks the pre-emergent barrier and
allows the crab grass to grow.

I always have my lawn aerated in the fall.

Eddie G