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Old 10-03-2008, 07:08 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Muddymike Muddymike is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2006
Posts: 503
Default More on Briggs and Stratton engines

All the talk last week of B&S engines prompted me to get the old Hayter 56
out of mothballs and service it yesterday. All went well with fresh fuel and
new spark plug (I am sure the one I took out was the original) couple up the
starter to a 12 volt car battery. I do this for first start as the on board
battery died about 4 years ago (they are so expensive to replace) and the
machine starts so well all season on the pull cord. The machine started as
usual and I started giving a few clumps on the lawn a trim whilst it warmed
up before changing the oil.

After a few mins it started spluttering stopped, strange I thought. Back to
the workshop, check spark- OK check fuel -OK, check air filter- problem. It
is choked with chewed up bits of paper and the like. Its a wonder the
machine started at all. It seems a mouse had tried building a nest in there.
Re-started first pull with no filter in the housing, warmed it up and
changed the oil. Picked up a new filter element today, SIX QUID for a bit of
foam, never mind at lease the machine still works.

As an aside the oil changing was much simpler this year as I have just
bought an oil suction devise from Lidl. Great little tool it just sucks the
old oil out of the dip stick tube. No more messy catch trays under awkward
drain plugs for me.

(bugger the mice I'm ready to mow)