Confused by Onions and Shallots
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10-03-2008, 11:19 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Amethyst Deceiver
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2006
Posts: 127
Confused by Onions and Shallots
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Previously I have planted onion sets. The sets are tiny, maybe 1/2" across
and grow to big 3 - 4" dia onions. Excellent. This year my wife suggested
growing shallots as being more diffiult to find and expensive to buy so I
ordered up shallot sets and they have arrived on the mat.
Now I thought a mature shallot was a little pink onion about an inch in dia
so I am puzzled to see that my sets are well, little pink onions about an
inch in dia. Since they look like what I expected to get at the end of the
season I am not sure what the purpose of planting them is. Am I meant to
separate them like a garlic bulb? They don't obviously come apart like that.
Have I misunderstood what a shallot actually is?
Shallots grow from one bulb into a clump of bulbs - a bit like garlic
growing a bulb of cloves from one clove.
I planted mine last autumn and it's fascinating watching the sprouting
in the garden now!
Wet Yorks
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Amethyst Deceiver
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