Confused by Onions and Shallots
"Robert (Plymouth)" wrote...
"Tim W" wrote in message
Previously I have planted onion sets. The sets are tiny, maybe 1/2"
across and grow to big 3 - 4" dia onions. Excellent. This year my wife
suggested growing shallots as being more diffiult to find and expensive
to buy so I ordered up shallot sets and they have arrived on the mat.
Now I thought a mature shallot was a little pink onion about an inch in
dia so I am puzzled to see that my sets are well, little pink onions
about an inch in dia. Since they look like what I expected to get at the
end of the season I am not sure what the purpose of planting them is. Am
I meant to separate them like a garlic bulb? They don't obviously come
apart like that. Have I misunderstood what a shallot actually is?
Most shallots aren't pink, nevertheless they all start about the size of
what you described and develop into 6 or more of roughly the same size or
bigger, from that one set. They prefer a spell in cool weather so I should
plant them asap
I'd be disappointed with only 6. Have you tried "Jermor" one of the French
Long type, excellent for cooking.
Bob Hobden
17mls W. of London.UK