Thread: wisteria poorly
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Old 05-04-2003, 12:09 PM
minerva nine
Posts: n/a
Default wisteria poorly

Hi all -- OK, I searched the group archives on
wisteria and can't find an answer to my question, so
here it is:

I have a purple wisteria that I planted next to a dead
tree in my front yard last Spring - I'm planning to
train it up the trunk. It gets full sun all day
(pruned all the big branches off the tree), and it did
spectacularly well last year. It even bloomed in
April! I pruned it in September and now it seems very
unhappy. The new leaves that have come in since
pruning are light green and now are starting to turn
brown. I gave it some ironite, thinking the light
green leaves were indicating an iron deficiency -- the
soil in our front yard is nice and organic down to
about 8-10 inches, when it turns to caliche, but I
didn't think this was a huge problem for Wisteria.
I'm wondering if it's just in the process of losing
it's leaves for the winter and I'm worrying for
nothing. Should I mulch it for the winter? Fertilize?
If so, with what? Help!!

Thanks -- M9