Thread: Moles, help...
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Old 08-03-2008, 06:53 PM posted to
Pat Pat is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2008
Posts: 28
Default Moles, help...

So, after you get rid of the mole(s), do they eventually come back and
have to do it all over again?

Yes. Moles move into new teritory in the spring. Once they are under
control you have to dig out the traps every spring and catch a couple.

BTW, in your opinion, what are the advantages of a "pincher"? (have seen
the harpoon and the scissor types but not the pincher type, what do they
look like?) Also, I saw prices for mole traps on-line, ranging from $6 to
$30 each. Is there a specific, reasonable source you know of?

The advantage is that I know how to trap with pincher traps.
Look here and
I bought mine at a farm supply store called Wilco. You need two. I think I
paid around $20 ten years ago for two.

Make sure of your critter. Moles make a hill shaped like a volcano by
pushing the dirt up in the center. Gopher traps are bigger than mole traps
and won't work for moles. Make sure you have the correct trap for the pest
you are trapping. Learn the proper technique for the trap.