Moles, help...
Chris wrote:
I live in the NorthEast. Last autumn, moles did a job in my front yeard.
It was late in the season and I was told not to put "molex" down, but I
spayed some solution I got from the local store. I don't thik it worked.
The ground is just starting to thaw (half the yard still covered with snow)
and they are alreadyw digging holes.
How can I get rid of them? Should I start spreading molex as soon as the
snow is gone? Multiple applications? Will it harn the grass? Should I be
trying something else? We are talking about dozens of holes/tunnels all
over the yard.
There has to be *some* way of getting rid of them, right?
Any help is appreciated.
I had them for several years and finally used a phosphorous based poison
in their tunnels that got rid of them.